Solutions Database

Solutions Database

This database compiles companies, research institutions, and other solution providers from across the world who can provide the technical expertise to help your city develop more sustainably. Oftentimes cities may wish to carry out sustainable projects, but lack specific knowledge or capacity. The listed solution providers have experience in supporting cities and regions to achieve their sustainability goals.

Solution providers can add their solutions by clicking here. All submitted solutions are subject to approval.  

(Please note: inclusion on the list does not denote endorsement from the IUC programme.) 


Solution Information

Solution Title

ELV DEPOLLUTION BAY -equipped island for the management of materials and components for end of life

Solution Title (in English)


ELV, circular economy, value chain.


Waste recycling


The main objective of the LIFE De-BAY project was to lower the environmental impact of ELVs by developing more efficient recovery systems and techniques for small and medium-sized dismantlers. This technology would be validated and demonstrated within fully-equipped and integrated depollution islands at two pilot dismantling sites. The aim was to enable the recovery of larger amounts of vehicle materials and components (e.g. plastics, glass and filters) and up to 99% of all ELV fluids by weight, in a much faster and more efficient way thanis possible using current tools and systems. Thanks to LIFE De-BAY, dismantlers would be able to depollute ELVs in one-sixth of the time currently required, and in much safer conditions for operators. The projects objective is in line with EU waste legislation, in particular the ELV Directive and Directive 2005/64/EC on the type-approval of motor vehicles with regard to their reusability, recyclability and recoverability. The project would also feed into the Roadmap for a Resource Efficient Europe, as it helps in the recovery of resources.
SDGs and Topics

Sustainable Development Goals


Circular economy
Water, waste management and sanitation
Solution Provider

Provider Name

Flexbimec International srl

Legal Form

Size (Employees)


Via Roma, 26, 42020 Albinea


Reggio Emilia




Additional Information

Corporate Social Responsibility

Management System Certifications

Research and Development Activities

Information for B2C


Reference Projects