In addition to solid waste management, the pairing are focusing on enhancing the share of renewable energy through creating an action plan for wind and solar energy. The pairing will also jointly create a tourism development plan.
They are also the creation of ICT Start-ups by using the business incubator integrated acceleration model.
The city of Albacete will transfer the European Business Innovation Centre model to Rio Grande. The final objective of the incubator is to promote the creation of new companies, especially those who are innovative according to the local and regional standards. BIC Rio Grande and BIC Albacete should strength their cooperation through EU project. ICT Start up in Rio Grande promoting the internationalization of starts up favoring the relationship with Albacete’s SMEs and start-ups.
Implementation of Solar Panels for Self-supply in Rio Grande. Based on the experience of Albacete and the development of a green model for Rio Grande by a private company from Albacete.
An expert in the field of tourism will develop a Regional Strategy for both cities and will identify the best products offered. Once the Strategy is developed, the cities have to be able to implement it at regional level.