The IUC-Japan Secretariat was established in 2017 by Nagoya University. It functions as the regional office for the EU funded program by receiving oversight from the Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy of the European Commission and the City Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Transportation, and Tourism of Japan.
The program is designed for cities in the EU and Japan to address unprecedented economic and social challenges as in aging and declining population, budgetary constraints, intense international competition, global warming and the energy mix and supply. Cooperation is handled by pairing of Japanese and European cities who will exchange experiences of mutual interest under the course of 18 months. The recommended topics for cooperation are priorities within the 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development adopted in September 2015 in Paris, and the New Urban Agenda adopted in October 2016 in Quito. Participants will be developing local action plans (LAP) that include specific activities and economically viable projects to be implemented in the short term to ensure results and open up market opportunities.
Established March 2017
Location (Japan) within Nagoya University, Education and Research Center for Sustainable Co-Development, Graduate School of Environmental Studies
Phone/Fax According to the Guidelines for Activities at Nagoya University During the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic, we, secretary members of the IUC Japan office, have conducted Tele-work until further notice. Please refrain from calling our telephone, instead, email us. Thank you for your understanding.
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